
Decoding Women: 12 Secrets of Women You ‘MUST’ Know

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Women are beautiful people. Once they meet the man of their dreams, they do everything to keep him happy.

However, they tend to hold back a few things in delivering that happiness.

There are some secrets of women that you cannot even imagine, and even if you find out, there’s no possible way for you to dig deeper.

No matter what a power couple you both might be or how long you’ve been together, there will always be some secrets of women that they never disclose to men.

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Some of the women’s secrets are those you’ll be glad to know, while some are such that you won’t like them.

In any case, it’s her secrets, and we’re only sharing them with you so you have an idea of what goes on in her mind.

Before we discover the secrets of women, it’s best to understand why they tend to keep these things a secret.

What motivates them not to share these with you? Let’s find out.

Why do Women keep Secrets?

It’s natural to wonder what these so-called secrets of women are, but it’s equally important to dive into female psychology and discover why they keep these secrets in the first place.

If you look at a boy and a girl before puberty, they look almost identical.

There are no specific defining features that separate a boy from a girl.

However, as soon as puberty hits, everything transforms right from the shape of their bodies to their way of thinking and more.

During puberty, men tend to gain more muscle, thus, more strength.

Since Testosterone isn’t much in women, they don’t gain muscle, but their psychological abilities touch a peak.

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For women, aggression and violence isn’t an option to operate in today’s world; thus, they tend to operate solely based on their intelligence or psychological prowess.

The secrets of women form an integral part of their relationship strategy.

These secrets help maintain their peace of mind and identity while protecting the relationship. 

As we said earlier, women operate on psychological abilities, so they think.

When they think about your reaction to these secrets, they don’t share them with you. Plain and simple.

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In certain toxic relationships, some women go to extreme lengths to protect these secrets while finding out all about you, to use your secrets against you.

 In healthy relationships, women do share their secrets, but that process goes through certain stages.

First, they don’t reveal these secrets because you haven’t gained their trust. Then, they start revealing these secrets one by one using effective communication to not scare you off.

Finally, when the relationship has reached its seventh stage, that’s when all secrets of women become known to you.

Finally, let’s get to the matter at hand and discover 12 women’s secrets  all men must know about. 

12 Secrets of Women All Men Must Know

She Revisits the Honeymoon

This is one of the smaller secrets of women you’d love to discover.

While dating, especially in the earlier months, you will chat and call each other frequently.

Everything would be going great; that’s why it’s called the “Honeymoon phase.” 

During that phase, she’ll save everything you’ve ever said to her.

All those call recordings, text chats, snaps, and whatnot. It might sound weird to you, but she feels happy doing so.

Women bring immense beauty to the relationship just by the little gestures they perform.

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Women also tend to revisit old things, even gifts, to relive that specific memory.

She listens to your call recordings and reads your chats way more than you think.

This won’t be a secret for too long because, like all women’s secrets, this comes out after a while, and she’ll do so herself.

You’ve Been Through the Checks

Alright, this is one of the hidden secrets of women you might never know about. Before picking you, she searched for every detail about you. 

Why? Because, as we said in the “16 Signs She Likes You article, women are pickers.

To pick the right man, they have to do thorough research.

They have more to lose in a relationship than a man; thus, they’re very picky.

She will search everywhere to find everything about you, including your Tinder bio, Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, and more.

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She isn’t snooping around because she likes it; she does this because she wants solid reasons before accepting you as a potential mate. 

A woman’s research about you only indicates that she’s a high-value woman and doesn’t risk herself.

Another way they’ll try to investigate your life is by judging you on the dates, especially the first date.

Make sure you rock this date by trying our female-recommended first date tips to score a second date.

This is one of the best-kept women’s secrets out there, and very few men really know about this.

Her Girlfriends are Investigators too!

When her girlfriends meet you, they’ll act like it’s a first meeting, but they know everything about you.

They know all about your first date, how rich and smart you are, and even how you perform in bed.

These are the secondary judges of your relationship because they’re trying to help out their friend.

This is one of the best-kept secrets of women, simply because women never rat each other out, unlike men.

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So whenever you’re chatting or calling her girlfriends, think about how you’re talking because every message of yours will reach your girl.

Her Girlfriends are private detectives looking deep into you to discover your true face.

Also, whatever you say or do, your girl will share that with her girlfriends.

To put it simply, they know you more than you do.

Since it’s one of the best-kept women’s secrets, it will also be tough for you to find out when the gossip about you started traveling and what the source was.

The Smoothness isn’t Real

It’s natural to think that women have butter-smooth skins with not a single strand of hair on their bodies, but it’s a lie.

We have been made to believe that way by beauty care advertisements.

In reality, women have hair everywhere, as you do.

We all come from the same species, and what makes you think men retained hair from evolution, but women didn’t?

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It’s a natural way of being and is also one of the best-kept secrets of women out of this entire list.

This secret is nearly impossible to discover until she tells you herself.

Beauty matters more to women than men and they take great care of how they look.

Women wax their bodies and put in regular effort because they know you’ll get close to them.

You might kiss the smooth hands or the neck, or god knows what, and they know this.

Women like grooming and fashion; if she likes you, she’ll go the extra mile to look as best as possible.

Note that out of all women’s secrets,  you should never to ask her about this. She might not be comfortable sharing this.

She’s got Backup

Get a chair and sit down before reading this one because you might not feel very good after this.

One of the harshest secrets of women is that they always have backups. 

Think about it. She has tons of guys in her DMs who’ll do anything for her.

If she’s with you, that’s most likely by convenience, but when things get rough, it might not take her a long time to find another boyfriend.

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While this is not true for all women, some women do have backups ready for when their relationship starts struggling.

This backup enters the frame during the “Decision” stage of a relationship, and that’s why you always need to outcompete other men.

How do you outcompete other men? 

By being the absolute best that you can, a high-value man. Build a body, make a strong career, and have discipline and self-control. 

Men are interested in a woman’s past, and women are interested in a man’s future.

You cannot be an average joe and expect a hot woman to hang by your side because she “loves” you.

Love for men is respect, and love for women is resources.

Unless you have all the right resources with you, chances are, you’ll always be a replaceable man.

Some men even keep their exes as backups and use you as the “rebound” guy.

They use men to get over their exes, and if they’re unable to, they run back to them.

This is one of the cruelest secrets of women, but you should know about it, so we shared.

The Orbiter Will Land

An orbiter is a male best friend who hangs around in her orbit just to get a chance with her by pretending to be her platonic friend.

If you’ve been in relationships before, you know how annoying male best friends can be. 

But here’s what you didn’t know; she shares more with him than with you. (sounds of glass shattering!)

That dude knows everything about you, and he’s a living competitor as long as you’re with her.

He is her confidant who gives her expert advice about relationships, which are not always in your favor.

Think about it. 

Why would a full-grown man invest all his time and do everything a boyfriend does without wanting anything more?

That’s why they are called the “Orbiters” because they hang around long enough to know everything, and when they find a chance, they crash land.

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No man in the world wakes up and thinks, “Yay, I’ll make a female bestie today.”

Every man goes out to find a suitable mate, and when he fails to do that, he becomes the Orbiter to get a second chance.

Your girl shares a lot with him.

He knows everything about her, like what bra she’s wearing, what she likes to eat, and even when her periods are due.

This is one of the best-kept secrets of women, and you won’t find out until you experience an “Orbiter Takeover” yourself.

Jealous? You should be. Kick this dude out before you’re kicked out yourself.

Also, this man is very, very close to your woman, and if you want to see that for yourself, just ask your girl to stop talking to him. You’ll be out the door in less than 30 seconds. 

If she does stop talking to him, for your sake, marry that woman. She’s a high-value woman. 

Also, as a man, you shouldn’t have female besties as well; make a man’s circle where you can say what you want, feel how you should, and do what you’re supposed to do. 

Time for a Performance Review

Okay, how do I put this? Let’s just be straightforward in this one.

One of the biggest secrets of women is that they’re rarely sexually satisfied. 

We’ve heard this from many women who have to literally “fake orgasms” to end the session and boost their man’s ego.

Women are experts in faking orgasms, and you’ll never even know.

There are several reasons for faking orgasms, such as: 

  • She doesn’t want to hurt you or lower your self-esteem. 
  • She wants you to feel confident.
  • She wants to stop and get it over with.

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This doesn’t happen to every man though since most men do end up satisfying their women sexually.

The only thing you can really do here is try to boost your performance.

Boost your sexual performance because strength in sexuality is a matter of honor for men.

Since this is one of the biggest secrets of women, it’s best that you don’t ask her about this directly.

Instead, perform your best by trying out our tips on getting women wet and inducing orgasms.

It’s on Discount, sweety!

This is perhaps one of the most powerful secrets of women that you don’t know about.

Most of the things that she bought weren’t really on sale.

She bought that Gucci bag at market price, even though she told you it was on a BIG-BIG discount.

Women adore shopping and they’ll go to any lengths to hide their spends from you.

She knows she might be burning your pocket but doesn’t want to piss you off.

She’ll slip this into a conversation when you’re in a good mood to avoid the conflict.

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I’ve met a lot of men over the years that reported maxed-out credit cards forever because their girlfriends lied about the real price.

You might want to check the invoice the next time she brings over the Chanel heels.

It’s better to catch such women’s secrets early to avoid ending up broke, big guy.

You’re being Watched.

Women constantly test you to see if you’re really worth their time and attention.

They want you to open the door or pull that chair for them to identify the gentleman in you. 

This isn’t really one of the big secrets of women, but still a worthy one to be on this list.

She will also introduce you to her friends to see how you behave with other women.

A high-value woman will truly take her eyes off you because she needs to know you’re the best.

She will even judge your text chatting etiquette to see how you respond to different messages.

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Remember how we talked about the girlfriends part earlier? That’s one of the women’s secrets they don’t disclose that easily.

Even after you get into a serious relationship, you’ll always be watched.

However, we assume you’re a high-value man, which means you don’t tolerate creepy behavior.

If you catch this secret, tell her you want her to trust you and stop doing this.

It’s not Lit anymore!

In a world full of social media apps and millions of options, it’s natural for men and women to lose that spark sometimes.

It was a beautiful feeling when you both first met, but the honeymoon period doesn’t last too long.

The maximum length of this period extends to about six months.

However, since most people don’t know this, they think they’ve lost that spark. If she feels that way, she’ll keep it in.

This is one of the secrets of women that you don’t discover until they call and say, “We need to talk.”

Women think a lot, and if those thoughts go sideways, the relationship often stands at risk.

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If you discover that she’s moving away from you, put in a little more effort and let her know that you can still bring back those memories.

Effective communication will help significantly. Sit and talk about how you feel instead of assuming and breaking up.

Remember, every king needs his queen, and the queen needs listening.

Listen to how she feels, and you wouldn’t even need to worry about other women’s secrets because she’ll share everything with you anyway.

Awaken the Alpha

Since time immemorial, women have always been attracted to strong, dominant warrior-men.

No matter how independent she claims to be, she still wants you to lead the pack, and this is one of the more subtle secrets of women.

She wants you to be the big bad boy, which is one reason you see the prettiest girls with the most competent men.

We know that relationships are supposed to be equal, but two Alphas cannot survive a relationship.

A relationship requires the duality of dominance and obedience to some extent.

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Think of Fifty Shades of Grey. You see a powerful and dominant man with an obedient woman. This is also the story of “Beauty and the Beast.” 

Ever thought why? Because dominant men are protectors, providers, and leaders. They make a good family while dedicating every ounce of time and resources to them.

Women like men that bring a fine balance of competence with generosity.

To dominate simply means to lead the relationship. Take her to places, plan the dates, and protect her at all costs.

This doesn’t mean dominating in a negative way; it just means becoming a man with a spine.

Dominance in the bed is specifically something a majority of women like, and this is one of the dirtiest little secrets of women.

She wants you to plan the date, set the stage, and perform exceptionally in bed

A Little Appreciation, please

She’s a perfect ten, and you can clearly see that. She’s got a good body as per your standards and enchanting beauty.

However, irrespective of that, she’s usually insecure about herself.

She doesn’t want you to know that she feels insecure about her body, making this one of the major secrets of women.

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When she’s next to you on the bed, she’s usually worried that you might point out some faults in her beauty or body.

You should let her know that you accept her however she is. That’s part of a gentleman’s etiquette.

A real man always compliments his woman because she is his power.

Tell her how beautiful she truly is and how much you like her that way.

Let her know that she’s in a safe space where she won’t be judged for the little imperfections like stretch marks and more.

Very soon, this will stop being a secret, and she’ll be happy to share everything with you.

The Bottomline

Men must know that these 12 secrets may not entirely apply to all women on the planet.

A woman’s personal experience and perspective can shape what she considers a secret and what she doesn’t.

Also, like us men, women have the right to privacy too, and we shouldn’t challenge the fact that they keep some secrets.

Let’s face it; we keep secrets too. If we’re not willing to reveal what’s in us, why ask what’s in them?

Her secrets shouldn’t be a source of mystery or intrigue for you; it’s best that you take this as knowledge, keep in mind, and don’t go snooping around. 

As a good boyfriend, it’s your job to respect your woman; part of respecting a woman is respecting her privacy.

We always recommend that couples should not have secrets as they might lead to conflicts later, but if you’re in a mature relationship, no worries. We wish you well.

All the best, King!

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