What is Manscaping & How to Manscape?

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Welcome, folks, to the ultimate guide on a topic that’s gained serious traction in recent times – manscaping!

In a world where self-care knows no gender boundaries, it’s time for men to step up their grooming game. What is manscaping, you ask?

Well, buckle up as we embark on a journey through the realms of trimming, shaving, and sculpting, all in the name of personal grooming.

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Manscaping, a term coined by blending “man” and “landscaping,” has become more than just a trend; it’s a lifestyle choice embraced by men worldwide.

No longer confined to barbershop discussions, manscaping is a ritual that transcends societal norms.

In this guide, we’ll delve into what is manscaping, why should you manscape and how to manscape. We’ll also talk about our favourite Manscaping kits that’ll help you pick the right product for your unique needs.

What is Manscaping?

So, what is manscaping? In its simplest form, is the art of grooming body hair specifically tailored for the men.

It’s a personalized journey where men sculpt their body hair to achieve a polished and well-maintained appearance.

From chest hair to the more delicate regions, manscaping is about shaping and trimming in a way that suits your style and comfort.

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But it’s more than just a grooming routine; it’s a cultural shift that’s reshaping perceptions around male grooming.

In the not-so-distant past, men used to wonder “what is manscaping” and would often make fun of it. However, things are changing now.

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The modern man is no stranger to the grooming aisle, embracing the concept of self-care as an essential aspect of well-being.

Manscaping is now viewed as a symbol of self-expression and confidence. The societal narrative around male grooming has evolved, and men are encouraged to take pride in their appearance.

It’s not about conforming to traditional standards; it’s about embracing your individuality and presenting the best version of yourself.

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Here’s where manscaping enters as a game-changer.

Beyond the aesthetic appeal, grooming has a profound impact on self-confidence and hygiene. When you feel good about how you look, your confidence soars.

This elevated confidence allows you to take the lead in career, dating and what not.

It allows you to take control of your appearance, boosting self-esteem and leaving you ready to conquer the world.

From a hygiene perspective, reducing body hair can minimize sweat and odor, contributing to an overall cleaner and fresher feel.

So what is manscaping? It’s definitely not a trend; it’s a lifestyle choice that empowers men to feel comfortable and confident in their own skin.

RELATED: 20 Expert Grooming Tips For Men To Elevate Your Game

Why Manscape?

Now that we’ve got the basics down, let’s dig into the why of manscaping. The motivations behind this grooming ritual are as diverse as the men who partake in it.

For many, aesthetics play a significant role. It allows you to showcase your physique, highlighting your natural contours without the distraction of unruly hair.

It’s about feeling good and looking good simultaneously.

Comfort is another driving factor. Shedding excess hair, especially in sensitive areas, can lead to a lighter and more comfortable feeling.

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The freedom from irritation and itching is a game-changer for those who’ve experienced the discomfort of unchecked growth.

And let’s not forget personal relationships.

It can enhance intimate moments, fostering a sense of cleanliness and grooming consideration that’s appreciated by partners.

It’s a subtle yet impactful way to show you care about your personal presentation.

However, as with any transformational practices, manscaping too has its fair share of myths.

RELATED: 25 Grooming Myths Debunked with Logic & Science

Top Manscaping Tools

Now that you’re eager to embark on your manscaping journey, let’s get down to the nitty-gritty of the essential tools you’ll need for grooming greatness.


The backbone of manscaping, a quality trimmer is your go-to tool for controlling hair length. Look for one with adjustable settings to customize your grooming experience.

Trimmers are perfect for taming chest hair, sculpting facial hair, and managing the landscape down below.

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How to Use: Start with a higher guard setting and gradually decrease for your desired length. Use short, controlled strokes for an even trim, and don’t forget to clean the blades between sessions.

Best Trimmer: Philips Norelco Bodygroom Series 7000


When precision is key, a razor comes into play. Ideal for achieving a close shave, razors are excellent for fine-tuning your manscaping masterpiece.

Choose one with multiple blades for a smooth finish, especially for areas where a trimmer might be too bulky.

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How to Use: Apply a quality shaving cream or gel to soften the hair and reduce irritation. Shave in the direction of hair growth to minimize razor burn. For sensitive areas, take your time and use a gentle touch.

Best Razor: Gillette Intimate Manscape Razor


For the more intricate details, grooming scissors are your best friend.

Perfect for shaping eyebrows or managing stray hairs, these small but mighty tools give you the precision you need for a polished look.

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How to Use: Trim small sections at a time, ensuring you don’t cut too much in one go. Comb through the hair before cutting for a more even result. Use these scissors for precision in areas that require attention to detail.

Best Scissor: HITOPTY Small Precision Scissors

Maintenance and Hygiene Tips

Proper maintenance ensures your grooming tools stay effective and last longer.

I’ve met a ton of men who don’t maintain their grooming tools and eventually end up hurting some part of their body.

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Here’s how to maintain your grooming tools:

  • Clean Your Tools: After each use, clean your trimmers and razors to remove hair and prevent bacterial build-up. Most trimmers come with a brush for this purpose.
  • Oil the Blades: Regularly oiling your trimmer blades keeps them sharp and functioning smoothly. Check the user manual of the trimmer for the right oil.
  • Replace Blades Regularly: Dull blades can lead to nicks and an uneven shave. Replace trimmer and razor blades as recommended by the manufacturer.
  • Store Properly: Keep your grooming tools in a clean and dry place. Moisture can lead to rust and damage, affecting their performance.

Hand-Picked Manscaping Kits for You:

Here are some manscaping kits that have worked for many-many Menverve readers and they highly recommend them.

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Check out the list:

Meridian Manscaping Kit

This combination is perfect for men who want to experience the true power of manscaping on a budget. With no razor and no burn cuts, this kit works everywhere; even in shower.

Check it Out: Amazon

FADEUM Advanced Manscaping Kit

This manscaping kit is the most versatile kit on the market. Whether you’re lining up your beard or mowing the lawn, this nick free, skin safe kit will give always deliver a comfortable experience.

Check it out: Amazon

GSKY Complete Manscaping Kit

This professional kit makes it easy and fast to manscape. Its vintage design makes it a worthy addition to your grooming kit.  It comes with a storage back and offers a highly comfortable experience.

Check it out: Amazon

Ufree Easy Manscaping Kit

This manscaping kit is fit for all your needs. This precision kit helps you trim your face, beard, moustache, nose hair, groin, pubic hair, ball or any body part you like.

Check it out: Amazon

Remington Manscaping Kit

This manscaping kit brings 9 attachments for all your grooming needs: Full Size Trimmer; Foil Shaver; Nose, Ear, and Detail Trimmer; Vertical Body Hair Trimmer; Hair Clipper Comb with 8 Length Settings; 3 Beard and Stubble Combs

Check it out: Amazon

How to Manscape

Now that you know what is manscaping and the different tools that are used, let’s discover “what and how” to manscape.

Whether you’re sculpting facial hair, taming your chest, or exploring the nether regions, we’ve got you covered.

Facial Hair

Start your grooming journey at the top – your face. Since your face is the first thing people notice, it has to be carefully sculpted. From beards to mustaches, here’s how to keep it sharp:

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  • Trimming: Use a quality trimmer to maintain a neat and even beard. Define the edges with a razor for a polished finish.
  • Mustache Care: Comb your mustache regularly and use grooming scissors for precise shaping. Keep it stylish with a well-maintained look.

RELATED: 24 Hottest Beard Styles for 2024: A Gentleman’s Guide

Chest and Back

If you’re a gym freak like us, you certainly have a chest and back you’d like to flaunt.

For a well-defined chest and a smooth back, follow these steps:

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  • Trimming Chest Hair: Use a trimmer with a guard to achieve your desired chest hair length. Go against the grain for a smoother finish.
  • Back Hair Removal: Enlist the help of a back razor or ask a friend for assistance. Alternatively, some trimmers come with extendable handles for DIY back grooming.


Women hate men that don’t take care of their underarms. Ensure that you don’t fall in the women’s “dirty rat list”.

Here’s how to keep them fresh:

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  • Trimming Underarm Hair: Use a trimmer with a shorter guard for underarms. Keep it neat and tidy, and say goodbye to irritation.


The sensitive area requires careful attention. While we extensively discussed how to shave balls and how to shave pubes, here’s additional insights on manscaping the groin area.

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  • Trimming: Start with a trimmer to manage the length. Use a razor for closer grooming but be cautious to avoid nicks.
  • Avoiding Irritation: Moisturize the area post-grooming to soothe the skin and reduce irritation. Choose a hypoallergenic shaving cream to minimize the risk of redness.


Smooth legs aren’t just for the ladies. Some men don’t like the irritation of having leg hair, so here’s how to manscape your lower limbs:

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  • Trimming Leg Hair: Use a trimmer with a longer guard to maintain a natural look or go for a clean shave with a razor.
  • Moisturize: Keep those legs smooth and moisturized. It’s not just for aesthetics; it’s about maintaining healthy skin.

Tips for Avoiding Irritation:

  • Prep the Skin: Before manscaping, take a warm shower to soften hair follicles. This reduces the risk of irritation and makes grooming more comfortable.
  • Use Quality Products: Invest in good-quality shaving creams, gels, and moisturizers to protect your skin during and after grooming.
  • Take Your Time: Rushing through this process increases the chances of nicks and irritation. Take your time, especially in sensitive areas, to achieve the best results.

Congratulations! You’ve just navigated the diverse terrain of manscaping.

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Tips and Tricks To Enhance Grooming

Manscaping is an art, and like any art form, it requires skill, precision, and a few insider tips.

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Let’s uncover the secrets to achieving a flawless routine, addressing everything from prepping the skin to overcoming common challenges. 

Prepping the Skin

  1. Warm Shower: Start your manscaping journey with a warm shower. This not only relaxes your skin but also softens hair follicles, making the grooming process smoother.
  2. Trim Before You Shave: If you’re aiming for a clean-shaven look, use a trimmer first to shorten the hair. This reduces the risk of clogging your razor and minimizes irritation.
  3. Quality Products: Invest in quality shaving creams or gels. These products provide a protective layer, reducing friction between the skin and the razor. 

Importance of Exfoliation

  1. Regular Exfoliation: Incorporate regular exfoliation into your routine to remove dead skin cells. This not only promotes smoother skin but also helps prevent ingrown hairs.
  2. Prevent Ingrown Hairs: Use a gentle exfoliating scrub to prevent ingrown hairs, especially in areas prone to irritation. This step is crucial for achieving a bump-free finish.
  3. Exfoliating Gloves: Consider using exfoliating gloves for a more targeted approach. This not only aids in exfoliation but also enhances circulation, promoting healthier skin. 


  1. Moisturize: After manscaping, moisturize your skin generously. This helps soothe any potential irritation and keeps your skin hydrated.
  2. Choose the Right Products: Opt for moisturizers with soothing ingredients like aloe vera or chamomile. Avoid products with harsh chemicals that could irritate freshly groomed skin.
  3. Post-Grooming Routine: Establish a post-grooming routine that includes moisturizing and, if necessary, applying a mild, alcohol-free aftershave to close pores and refresh the skin.

Addressing Common Challenges

  1. Ingrown Hairs: To tackle ingrown hairs, exfoliate regularly, and consider using a gentle ingrown hair treatment. Avoid tight clothing that may contribute to irritation.
  2. Razor Burn: If you experience razor burn, apply a cold compress to soothe the affected area. Ensure your razor is sharp, and don’t forget to shave in the direction of hair growth.
  3. Choosing the Right Tools: Select grooming tools suitable for different areas. Trimmers are great for longer hair, while razors provide a close shave. Tailoring your tools to specific needs ensures optimal results.

Remember, manscaping is a personal journey, and finding the right routine may take some trial and error.

Armed with these tips and tricks, you’re well on your way to achieving a flawless manscaping routine.

Stay confident, embrace your unique style, and get ready to showcase your groomed greatness to the world!

Manscaping Etiquette

Congratulations on your journey to becoming a manscaping maestro!

As you refine your grooming routine, it’s crucial to consider the social nuances associated with manscaping.

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Let’s delve into the importance of being considerate in shared spaces, communicating with partners about grooming preferences, and maintaining a balanced, natural look.

Being Considerate in Shared Spaces

  1. Clean Up After Yourself: Whether you’re trimming in the bathroom or shaving in the shared shower, cleanliness is key. A considerate manscaper ensures that hair clippings are promptly cleaned up, leaving the shared space as pristine as they found it.
  2. Time Management: Be mindful of shared bathroom time. If you’re sharing space with roommates or family members, consider manscaping during non-peak hours to avoid inconveniencing others.
  3. Use a Towel or Mat: To catch stray hairs, use a towel or mat when grooming. This simple step prevents hair from spreading across surfaces and ensures a quick and easy cleanup.

Communication with Partners

  1. Discuss Preferences: Open communication is essential, especially when it comes to grooming preferences. Talk to your partner about your manscaping routine, and inquire about their preferences. Mutual understanding ensures a harmonious coexistence.
  2. Be Open to Feedback: If your partner expresses a preference for a certain look or style, be open to accommodating their preferences within reason. Finding a middle ground ensures both parties are comfortable and satisfied.
  3. Joint Grooming Sessions: For couples, turn manscaping into a joint venture. Share grooming experiences, assist each other, and make it a fun and intimate activity. It not only strengthens your bond but also fosters an environment of shared care. 

Maintaining a Balanced, Natural Look

  1. Avoid Over-Grooming: While manscaping is about personal grooming, there’s beauty in balance. Avoid over-grooming or creating an excessively stylized look. A balanced, natural appearance is often more appealing and comfortable for both you and those around you.
  2. Tailor to Your Style: Tailor your manscaping routine to suit your individual style while keeping it in check with societal norms. Strive for a look that makes you feel confident without drawing unnecessary attention.
  3. Regular Maintenance: To maintain a balanced appearance, schedule regular maintenance sessions. This ensures that you stay groomed without the need for drastic changes or interventions.

Remember, manscaping etiquette is not just about personal grooming; it’s about respecting shared spaces, communicating openly, and embracing a balanced, natural look.

Armed with these etiquette tips, you’re ready to navigate the social landscape of manscaping with grace and consideration.

Flaunt your groomed greatness while fostering positive interactions with those around you!

Final Thoughts: What is Manscaping & How to Manscape

Congratulations, grooming enthusiasts!

You’ve just completed the ultimate guide to manscaping, and now you’re armed with the knowledge to sculpt your way to grooming greatness.

Remember, this process isn’t just about enhancing your grooming routine. It’s about making you appear like an Alpha or a Sigma in the world.

When you walk with a body that’s precisely sculpted, people admire it.

When women look at a man who takes care of himself, they see responsibility.

When men look at a man who takes care of himself, they see competition.

Either way, you win.

Let’s recap the key points covered and emphasize the benefits of incorporating this ritual into your grooming routine.

Recap of Key Points:

  • Manscaping is the art of grooming body hair for men, a cultural shift that’s reshaped perceptions around male grooming.
  • From aesthetics to comfort and personal relationships, the reasons to manscape are diverse and impactful. We debunked common myths, proving that manscaping is for everyone.
  • We explored the grooming arsenal, from trimmers to razors and grooming scissors, providing insights into their purposes and tips for maintenance.
  • A head-to-toe breakdown covered facial hair, chest, back, underarms, groin, and legs, with techniques and considerations for each area.
  • Expert advice on achieving a flawless routine, from prepping the skin to aftercare, and addressing common challenges like ingrown hairs and razor burn.
  • Navigating shared spaces with cleanliness, communicating openly with partners about grooming preferences, and maintaining a balanced, natural look were highlighted as crucial social considerations.

All the best, King!

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