30-Day Weight Loss Challenge: Shred 10-15 Lbs At Home [2024]

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Men, we’ve talked a lot about fitness and diet in our previous blogs, but this blog is a special one.

After getting a huge number of requests from Menverve readers, we’ve designed a 30-day weight loss challenge that can help you lose weight without hitting the gym (Yes, it is possible).

We know you must’ve come across multiple such challenges, each promising the same goal, but you haven’t achieved anything.

We also know that you lack the motivation and discipline to put your body through the harshest of situations and that’s fine.

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That is why, we’ve designed a 30-day weight loss challenge that works like magic, but doesn’t torture you as much as other programs.

This challenge has been designed with the help of nutritionists, elite trainers and health experts from across the world.

We’ve taken into consideration every body type and health issue that can cause problems and designed this program in a way that it can help everybody.

It doesn’t matter what kind of a body you’ve got, you’ll still lose weight like a machine.

Interested? Let’s learn how to lose weight in 30 days or less.

Why Maintain a Healthy Weight?

Maintaining a healthy weight is every man’s responsibility because it indicates absolute discipline and self-control.

Men who cannot control they eat and when they hit the gym don’t get respected in the society.

People look at such men with pity. They’re Delta males.

Thus, as a high-value man, you’ve got to maintain a healthy weight and that’s why we designed this 30-day weight loss challenge.

Want more significant reasons?

When you’re at a healthy weight, you reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases like heart disease, high blood pressure and even certain types of cancer.

Plus, it helps you sleep better, keeps your energy levels up and improves your physique.

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Secondly, maintaining a healthy weight significantly enhances your mental health. It makes you more confident, by improving the way you see yourself.

This helps you flirt with women like a Pro because you’re backed by confidence.

It also lowers the chances of mental health issues like depression and anxiety because when you lose weight, it fills you up with a sense of accomplishment.

Finally, maintaining a healthy weight portrays you as an honourable man. It shows that you’re in control of yourself and temptations don’t control you.

Women admire men who bring discipline and self-control to the table, because they’re perceived to be Alpha or Sigma males.

Ready to lose weight? Great.

Why a 30-Day Weight Loss Challenge is necessary?

Well, you haven’t been hitting the gym. That’s why! (LOL!)

No, no. We’ve got better reasons.

First of all, a 30-day weight loss challenge sets clear goals and a specific time frame.

This allows you to set realistic targets and stay motivated throughout the process.

When you have a focused approach for 30 days, it’s easier to lose weight without effort.

Secondly, a 30-day weight loss challenge helps you develop healthy habits.

During this challenge, you’ll engage in regular physical work, balanced eating and mindfulness that’ll enhance your body from inside-out and build habits for a lifetime.

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Another benefit of a 30-day weight loss challenge is the social admiration it brings.

When you engage in such an endeavour, you show the world that you can do anything you set your eyes upon.

You show the world that you’re capable of winning.

Finally, a 30-day weight loss challenge can finally kick-start a lifelong fitness journey.

It gives you an initial boost, sort of like a Rocket’s thrust and this lift-off helps you climb higher.

It creates the right momentum for true progress.

Do not forget to tag us when you take this challenge, our Instagram is @men.verve.

What to Expect from this 30-Day Weight Loss Challenge?

Well, you can certainly expect to lose weight in the league of 10-15 lbs in 30 days because previous participants of this challenged have experienced similar weight loss.

However, to put it more precisely, this 30-day weight loss challenge offers three exciting results that you can expect to see within the month:

Significant Weight Loss

You will cut down about 10-15 pounds of weight at home in the next 30 days.

This 30-day weight loss challenge is unique, as it focuses on a balanced combination of diet tweaks, portion control and simple exercises that you can do at home or as part of your daily routine.

This combination, developed by experts, delivers mind-blowing results.

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Slimmer Waistline

Say goodbye to a few inches off your waist!

By sticking to the exercises and meal plan of this 30-day weight loss challenge, you can expect to lose about 3-4 inches from your waist.

The challenge includes exercises that target your core and help burn fat around your midsection, resulting in a more defined waistline.

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Higher Energy and Radiant Skin

By adopting healthier habits and making conscious choices about what you eat and how you move, you’ll experience increased energy levels throughout the day.

Our 30-day weight loss challenge integrates regular exercise with a powerful diet that improves blood circulation and oxygen supply to your skin, giving you a natural glow.

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This 30-day weight loss challenge provides a holistic approach to lose weight.

Just follow the guidelines with discipline and self-control and enjoy a healthier, man-like body.

Shall we get started then?

Pre-Challenge Preparations:

You need to prepare a few things before you start.

This pre-challenge prep is necessary because you need to have your mind and body ready to help you lose weight.

Such prep also gets you ready with the right tools and techniques you might need to actively achieve your weight loss goals.

This section will be divided into three key activities.

  • Realistic goal-setting
  • Progress Tracking
  • Environment Design

Let’s dive deeper into each of these elements.

Realistic Goal-Setting

While we shared with you what you can expect, chances are you might lead a different kind of a life and may not achieve the same.

To account for such lifestyle variations and help you lose weight, you need to set precisely defined goals for yourself.

Setting realistic and achievable goals is crucial in this 30-day weight loss challenge.

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Here’s how to do it.

Be Hyper-specific

Clearly define your goals by being specific about what you want to achieve.

Instead of setting a general goal like “I want to lose weight, maybe around 5-7 lbs,” specify the exact amount of weight you want to lose or the size of clothes you want to fit into.

Break it down

Divide your overall goal into smaller, manageable milestones.

Since we’re doing the 30-day weight loss challenge, divide your goal by 4 weeks.

This will make your journey feel less overwhelming and more attainable.

E.g. 10 lbs/ 4 weeks = 2.5 lbs/week. You’ll lose weight at a rate of 2.5lbs per week.

Consider your lifestyle

Take into account your daily routine, work commitments, and personal circumstances when setting this goal.

Make sure the goal aligns with your lifestyle and is realistic within your time constraints.

For this 30-day weight loss challenge, you need at least 2 hours a day free for yourself.

Be mindful of your health

While it’s natural to want to lose weight quickly, it’s critical to prioritize your health.

In designing this 30-day weight loss challenge, we’ve considered most health issues, but if your health is different, its best to consult with a professional first.

Set non-scale goals

Weight loss is not solely determined by the number on the scale.

Consider setting goals related to physical fitness, such as improving your endurance or fitting into a certain clothing size.

This will provide a more holistic view of your progress.

Progress Tracking:

Tracking your overall progress is very crucial in this 30-day weight loss challenge.

It starts with taking initial measurements and then comparing progress with those numbers to see the true extent of your success.

Here’s why progress tracking is necessary:

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Establishing a Baseline

In this 30-day weight loss challenge, it’s important to establish a baseline health status to understand the starting point.

This baseline provides a benchmark against which you’ll lose weight and measure your progress.

You need to measure three things here; your weight on an empty stomach and inch/cm measurements of your body as well as Body Mass Index (BMI).

You can find calculators at the end of this post.

Identifying Patterns and Adjustments

Progress tracking allows you to identify patterns and trends in your performance.

You also get to see how the diet and exercise of this 30-day weight loss challenge are working on your body and you can increase/decrease the intensity accordingly.

Facilitating Course Correction

Sometimes, despite careful planning, you may lose your path by consuming a few extra calories or missing a workout.

Regular tracking when trying to lose weight will help you stay agile and adaptable, allowing you to course correct and find solutions to stay on track of the 30-day weight loss challenge.

Celebrating Milestones

Tracking progress also enables you to celebrate milestones and small victories during the 30-day weight loss challenge.

Achieving a series of smaller goals can be highly rewarding, reinforcing your commitment to the larger goal of cutting down your weight.

Using the milestones, you can also predict how quickly will lose weight. E.g. if you lost 4 lbs in 10 days, you know that with a similar pace, you’ll cut down 8 more in 20 days.

Environment Design:

Building a supportive environment is critical for maintaining motivation and staying on track during this 30-day weight loss challenge.

You can do this using Environment design and it will help you lose weight with ease.

The strategies we’ll discuss in this section will help you design the environment in a way that it helps you outperform your limitations.

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Get a room

You need to dedicate a specific area in your home for your workout.

Clear out the space and make it conducive to exercise.

Fill the room with mats, or any other resources you may need to lose weight. You won’t need equipment.

Find a good playlist

Every man needs a workout playlist filled with mind-breaking songs that are both energetic and motivating.

Studies indicate that music can have a significant positive impact on your mood and performance during exercise.

Share your goals

You have to openly share your weight loss goals with your family, friends, or colleagues.

By expressing your intentions, you are more likely to receive the right support and encouragement to lose weight.

Find like-minded individuals

Seek out individuals who are also participating in the 30-day weight loss challenge or who have similar health and fitness goals.

These individuals will help you lose weight much more easily because things will get more competitive.

Exercise together

It would be a big deal if you can encourage your friends, family members, or colleagues to join you in your workouts.

Exercising with others provides an opportunity for camaraderie, friendly competition, and mutual encouragement that makes your journey more enjoyable.

Now, let’s explore the 30-day weight loss challenge in its entirety including diet and exercises.

Part A: Diet For the Challenge

Diet is the central force in this 30-day weight loss challenge.

If you cannot do this part well, the workout will be worthless. You will not lose weight if you cannot control your diet.

Eating a healthy diet not only helps you lose unwanted pounds but also improves your overall health and well-being.

A balanced diet provides the necessary nutrients while managing calorie intake, giving your body the fuel it needs to function at its best.

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Research consistently shows that diet has a greater impact on weight loss than exercise alone.

In fact, a data-driven study found that weight loss is 80% backed by diet and 20% by exercise.

While physical activity is undoubtedly important to lose weight, the quality and composition of your diet will play the most important role in this 30-day weight loss challenge.

Understanding Nutrition

Nutrition is a fundamental aspect of this 30-day weight loss challenge.

In this section, we’ll understand the nutrients present in food and their impact on our body’s functions.

Macronutrients and micronutrients are two essential categories of nutrients that are necessary for our bodies to function properly.

Let’s learn a little about them.


Macronutrients are the nutrients our bodies require in large quantities to provide energy and support various bodily functions.

They include elements like carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.

Carbohydrates: Carbohydrates are the primary source of energy for our bodies. They are found in foods such as grains, legumes, fruits, and vegetables. They’re of two types; simple and complex.

Simple carbohydrates, like table sugar and honey, provide quick energy but lack essential nutrients.

They also contribute to body fat. On the other hand, complex carbs, such as whole grains and starchy vegetables, contain fiber and provide sustained energy.

We need both of these to support 360-degree health.

Proteins: Proteins play a crucial role in the growth, repair, and maintenance of tissues in our bodies. It’s the Muscle food.

Dietary sources of protein include meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products, legumes, nuts, and seeds.

Consuming protein is essential to ensure an adequate intake of essential amino acids to maintain lean muscle mass.

Fats: Fats serve as a concentrated source of energy and are necessary for the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins.

They provide protection for organs, support hormone production, and help regulate body temperature.

Healthy sources of fats include avocados, nuts, seeds, olive oil, and fatty fish like salmon. 


Micronutrients are essential nutrients that our bodies require in smaller quantities but are vital for various bodily functions.

They include vitamins and minerals. Let’s learn about them:

Vitamins: Vitamins are organic compounds that are essential for our body’s normal functioning. They play crucial roles in processes such as metabolism, immune function, and cell growth. There are 13 essential vitamins, including A, B, C, D, E, and K.

Minerals: Minerals are inorganic substances that are vital for various physiological processes. They help maintain fluid balance, bone health, and participate in enzyme reactions. Common minerals include calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, and zinc. 

A balanced diet should incorporate a variety of foods from each macronutrient group along with a range of micronutrients to help you lose weight. Both are necessary in this 30-day weight loss challenge.

DIY: Designing a Diet

At MenVerve, we do not ask you to follow ready-made diets, but we want to encourage you to design your own diet.

The key benefit of designing your own diet is that you can load it with food items you love and cut out anything you don’t like.

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Designing your own diet also teaches you how to read nutrition labels and understand macros and micros of a diet. So how do we do design a diet? Let’s learn.

Step 1: Calculate your BMR:

Calculating your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) is an important step in understanding how much energy your body needs when at rest.

It helps determine the number of calories required for energising bodily functions like breathing and circulation.

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Knowing your BMR will help you design your diet by setting an upper limit on caloric intake. You can use this calculator to discover your BMR.

Step 2: Set a Caloric Limit

Let’s say your BMR is 2000 calories per day, meaning your body requires that amount of energy to function normally.

To create a caloric deficit, you have to reduce your intake by 25% or 500 calories, setting your daily limit at 1500 calories.

By doing this, you’ll automatically be cutting out 500 calories per day without relying solely on exercise.

Our fitness experts suggest that reducing your caloric intake by 500 calories per day is a healthy approach that won’t have negative effects on your body.

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However, if you’re looking for faster results, it is possible to cut up to 50% or 1000 calories per day from your diet.

It’s important to note that such a significant cut may be considered a crash diet, and it’s crucial to ensure that your body is able to handle such changes before attempting it.

This 30-day weight loss challenge is to help you lose weight, but without damaging your health.

Step 3: Create a List of Possible Food Options

Take some time to think about the food items you enjoy eating throughout the day, from breakfast to snacks and dinner.

After noting down your options, you can use MyFitnessPal to find out the nutritional data, including the calories, macros and micros.

Once you have all the information, it’s time to select the best choices for your Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and Snacks categories.

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To do this, you’ll want to focus on foods that are both low in calories and high in protein.

These options provide the nutrients you need while keeping your calorie intake in check.

Step 4: Categorize them into 5 Meals

Now that you have the list of food items, let’s go ahead and categorize them into different meal times: breakfast, morning snack, lunch, evening snack, and dinner.

We need five meals a day during this 30-day weight loss challenge to lose weight because they help you maintain energy while facilitating quick digestion and absorption.

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It’s important to keep in mind that a hearty breakfast is beneficial to maintain energy levels throughout the day, while a lighter dinner allows for better digestion and deeper sleep.

Step 5: Measure Nutrition & Intake

Lastly, let’s evaluate if the total caloric intake of your selected food items falls within the range of 1500 calories or 25-50% less than your BMR.

It’s important to ensure that your diet doesn’t exceed the recommended limit.

Also, pay attention to the fat and carbs you consume, and ensure you’re consuming more of protein compared to these two macros.

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If your list meets these criteria and falls within the desired calorie range, congratulations!

You have a well-structured diet plan for the 30-day weight loss challenge.

You can confidently follow this diet to lose weight, knowing that it aligns with your goals and provides a balanced approach to nutrition.

The Ideal Diet Design

If you’re unable to design a diet by yourself, we’ve designed two versions of the American diet for you that are below 1500-calories.

Since most of our readers are Non-vegetarians, we’ve designed this diet for their preferences.

If you’re a vegan or vegetarian, you can check out these diets (Vegan Diet, Vegetarian Diet).

You can use this table to design your own diet. Just pick and add.

  • Boiled egg: 78 calories
  • 1 slice of whole wheat toast: 80 calories
  • 1 small apple: 52 calories


  • 1 cup of oatmeal: 154 calories
  • 1/2 cup of unsweetened almond milk: 15 calories
  • 1 tablespoon of almond butter: 98 calories
  • 1/2 sliced banana: 53 calories


Morning Snack
  • 6 baby carrots: 25 calories
  • 2 tablespoons of hummus: 70 calories


  • 1 small orange: 62 calories
  • 10 almonds: 70 calories


  • Grilled chicken breast (4 oz): 187 calories
  • 1 cup of mixed greens: 10 calories
  • 1/4 cup of cherry tomatoes: 13 calories
  • 2 tablespoons of light salad dressing: 70 calories


Turkey wrap with whole wheat tortilla:

  • 3 oz of sliced turkey breast: 100 calories
  • 1/4 avocado: 80 calories
  • 1 slice of tomato: 3 calories
  • 1 leaf of lettuce: 1 calorie
  • 1 teaspoon of mustard: 4 calories
Evening Snack
  •  1 small Greek yogurt: 100 calories
  • 1/4 cup of blueberries: 21 calories


  • 1 small pear: 51 calories
  • 1 string cheese: 80 calories


  • Baked salmon fillet (4 oz): 280 calories
  • 1/2 cup of quinoa: 111 calories
  • 1 cup of steamed broccoli: 55 calories


  • 4 oz of grilled chicken breast: 187 calories
  • 1 cup of roasted Brussels sprouts: 56 calories
  • 1/2 cup of brown rice: 109 calories
Total Calories 1123-1150 Calories

Tips for Diet Management

Since we desperately want you to win the 30-day weight loss challenge, here are 10 fantastic tips that’ll ensure you never get off track and succeed with your diet every day. 

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  • Hydrate with water, not calories: Water has zero calories and it helps you feel fuller. Avoid drinks like soda, fruit juices, and energy drinks, as they contribute to weight gain.
  • Chew your food slowly: Eating slowly allows your brain to register fullness, preventing overeating. Take your time, chew thoroughly, and enjoy the flavours of your food.
  • Swap sugary drinks for herbal tea: Instead of reaching for sugary beverages, opt for unsweetened herbal teas. They provide hydration without the added calories.
  • Fill half your plate with veggies: Make it a goal to fill at least half of your plate with a variety of colourful veggies for essential nutrients and to control your calorie intake.
  • Practice portion control: Using smaller plates and bowls can help you control portion sizes and trick your brain into feeling satisfied with less food.
  • Avoid processed foods: Processed foods are high in calories, fats, and added sugars. Opt for whole, natural foods like fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins.
  • Cook at home: Cooking at home gives you control over ingredients, portion sizes, and methods. You can avoid the excess calories, and fats found in restaurant meals.
  • Practice mindful eating: Eat when you’re physically hungry and stop eating when you feel satisfied. Avoid mindless eating or emotional eating, and savour each bite.
  • Limit alcohol intake: Alcoholic beverages are high in calories and provide little to no nutritional value. They can hinder your progress and disrupt your metabolism.
  • Eat without screens: Avoid eating while distracted by screens or work. Instead, sit down at a table, take your time, and focus on the taste, and texture of your meal.

Part B: Workouts

While your diet prevents consumption of excess calories, exercise facilitates burning of excess calories.

The more physical activity you engage in, the more calories you burn, creating an energy deficit that helps you lose weight with ease.

Regular physical activity will also help preserve and build muscle mass. Why is this important?

Well, muscles are more metabolically active than fat, meaning they burn more calories even when you’re at rest.

So by having more muscle, you can increase your metabolic rate and lose weight even when you’re not working out. Its Automation 101.

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We understand that going to the gym and paying a subscription fee might not be everyone’s preference.

That’s why we’ve divided the workouts into two parts: cardio and calisthenics.

Cardio exercises are designed to help you burn calories effectively, almost like a well-oiled machine.

These workouts get your heart pumping and increase your overall calorie expenditure, supporting weight loss.

On the other hand, calisthenics exercises focus on maintaining your lean muscle mass while you’re on your weight loss journey.

By engaging in these exercises, you will strengthen and tone your muscles without the need for expensive equipment.

You have to perform both Cardio and Calisthenics workouts each day.

There’s no rest day, pal. We have a limited time in this 30-day weight loss challenge.

Let’s explore both workouts.

Cardio Workouts

With cardio workouts, our goal is to burn anywhere from 250-350 calories per session.

We know the number seems a lot but there are some easy ways to manage such a burn.

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In this section, we’ll discuss a few cardio workouts that’ll help you lose weight like a machine.

You have to pick one Primary exercise, but if you’re willing to go the extra mile, combine it with one secondary exercise.

Primary Exercise (Choose One) :


You have to set a goal of walking 10,000 steps per day for the next 30 days to lose weight at a rapid pace.

Walking at a normal pace burns approximately 300-500 calories and only requires about 90 minutes of your time.

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Take this option if you’re significantly overweight and have some time to workout.

Jump Rope

Remember Rocky? He was a Jump Rope dude.

Due to its high-intensity nature, jumping rope allows for a significant calorie burn in a short period of time.

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Just 20 minutes of jumping rope can burn more than 300 calories, depending on your body composition.

Take this option if you’re a slightly active person with very little time.

Secondary Exercises (Optional) :

These are exercises that you can perform either in addition to walking or as substitutes for it on certain occasions.


Running elevates your heart rate and burns about 100 calories per mile.

If you can run 5 miles a day, you’ll easily surpass the 500 calorie mark and lose weight more quickly.

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Running can be done as a substitute for walking if you prefer a higher intensity workout.


Just ten minutes of cycling can burn around 100 calories, making it ideal for individuals with limited time.

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Cycling engages your entire body and the harder you push, the higher your heart rate and calorie burn.


A 30–45-minute boxing session can burn approximately 500-800 calories, depending on your intensity.

Boxing not only helps you shed excess fat and develop a lean physique but also offers mental health benefits.

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It reduces stress, improves concentration, reflexes, hand-eye coordination, balance, and self-esteem.


Calisthenics are bodyweight exercises that ancient warriors used when there were no gyms.

These exercises are actually more effective than the gym because your entire weight is on you.

The reason we’ve included calisthenics in this 30-day weight loss challenge is because we want you to lose weight while building muscle or at least maintaining the existing muscle mass.


Push-ups, plank, and squats are three exercises we’ll use in our calisthenics training.

These exercises have to be performed before the Cardio workouts for maximum impact.

Push Ups for Upper Body

Push-ups are a classic exercise that primarily targets the chest, triceps, and shoulders.

Push-ups also engage the core muscles, promoting stability and balance.

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Additionally, they can be modified to suit different fitness levels, making them accessible to beginners and advanced athletes alike.

Start with 15 push-ups per day and add 1 more each day for 30 days.

Plank for Core

The plank is renowned for its ability to strengthen the core muscles, including the abdominal muscles, lower back, and glutes.

This static exercise requires engaging the core muscles to keep the body stabilized, which can help improve posture and reduce the risk of lower back pain.


Begin with a 30-second plank and increase the duration by 5 seconds each day for 30 days.


Squats are a fundamental lower body exercise that primarily targets the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes.

Squats are highly effective for building leg strength and developing functional movement patterns.


Squats can be performed using bodyweight or with additional weight, such as dumbbells or barbells, allowing for progressive overload.

Begin with 30 squats per day and add 3 more each day for 30 days. 

Tracking Progress and Celebrating Success

Tracking your progress is essential to your success in this 30-day weight loss challenge.

It will help you stay on track and motivated, and it will also allow you to see how far you’ve come.

How quickly you’ll lose weight will largely depend on how well you use the progress data.

We’ve seen many people start off strong in this challenge, but then they lose their way after a few weeks.

They start eating cheat meals and skipping workouts, and eventually they give up altogether.

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We don’t want that to happen to you.

That’s why we want you to track your progress.

When you see how much you’ve accomplished, it will motivate you to keep going. And when you see where you still need to improve, it will help you stay focused.

We know that progress tracking can seem “boring,” but it’s worth it.

The rewards of success are much greater than the cost of a few minutes.

So please, track your progress. It’s the key to your success in this 30-day weight loss challenge.

How to Track Progress?

There are a variety of ways of tracking your weight loss progress.

Some are hyper-specific ways that require looking deep into your body and some are loose ways, but still work.

The progress has to be measured in three forms; measurements, weight and diet.

Measurements (Weekly tracking)

You have to measure different parts of your body, including your waist, chest, biceps, forearms, thighs, calves, butt and belly. You’ll need a measuring tape to do this.

You have to measure your bodily dimensions at the end of every week on an empty stomach.

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Weight (Daily tracking)

This is something that you have to measure every day and not to be motivated or demotivated, but just to notice how different foods affect your body.

Someday your weight will be higher, someday it will be lower.

Overall, at the end of every week, you have to calculate the average of the week.

For example, if your weight was 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 for seven days, then your weight for the week will be (1,2,3,4,5,6,7)/7 or average/mean.

You have to do the same thing next week too and measure the weight loss.

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Diet (Weekly tracking)

You also need to track your diet on an app like MyFitnessPal to see how well you’ve reduced your overall cravings and controlled your caloric intake.

For example, if you were consuming between 1500-1700 calories in the first week, which came mostly from fat, you should be aiming for the same amount of calories in the next week, but from protein.

In other words, you have to keep your eye on the sources of calories.

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By measuring these things on a consistent basis, you will ensure that you’re absolutely on the right path and are ready to achieve your success.

Resources for the Challenge

Here are a few tools/resources that can be helpful in this 30-day weight loss challenge.

You have to start with the BMI, BMR, Body Fat and Ideal Weight Calculators to set a baseline.

Then You’ll use Diet tracker for tracking your intake, step counter for cardio and exercise tracker for calisthenics.



Success Stories [Updated]

More than 2300 Menverve readers have benefitted from this 30-day weight loss challenge.

On average, our readers lost weight in the range of 7-15 lbs in 30 days by correctly following this weight loss program.

If you follow this program with dedication and stop wandering to different websites/programs and confusing yourself, you will surely win.

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Some of our readers are even kick-boxers who needed a quick 30-day weight loss challenge to participate in a fight and they too, have benefited from this program.

Just put your faith in yourself and us and we shall win together.

Final Thoughts!

This 30-day weight loss challenge is just the beginning of your fitness journey.

As a man, you’re about to take control of your life and we’re proud of you for that.

The entire Menverve team, all our men and readers are proud of you today for completing this article.

We’re hoping that you’re ready to re-design your body and your life.

By the end of this 30-day weight loss challenge, you’ll come to love fitness and healthy eating and this will only enhance your life going ahead.

We wish you all the best for your journey!

If you’ve still got any doubts about the challenge, let us know in the comments.

All the best, king!

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