
Love from Afar: Is Long Distance Relationship Right for You?

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Long distance relationships require a lot of effort because love is not supposed to be effortless.

The fundamental purpose of love is growth through suffering, which many fail to understand.

They get into long distance relationships and complain all the time until they break up.

I get it. 

Being in a long distance relationship can be tough, but it’s not impossible to make it work.

There’s actually a lot of evidence and data out there that shows long distance relationships can be successful.

I’ve personally seen many-many long distance relationships succeed, not because they were special but because both partners put in equal effort to maintain it.

Sure, being far apart can make communication and shared experiences more challenging, but if you and your partner have complete trust in each other, there are ways to make the relationship strong.

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While there are multiple stories of both successful and failed long distance relationships, it’s critical to know that a majority actually succeed.

Data suggests that, on average, 58% of long distance relationships succeed, with only 40% ending in a breakup.

The main reason for breakups in such relationships is either a lack of communication or assumptions in the relationship.

This statistic is widely visible in couples between the ages of 18-34 when they’re building their careers and moving to different places for work or studies.

Since their primary focus is largely on hard work and effort, they fail to sustain a long distance relationship, but that doesn’t mean it’s worthless.

A long distance relationship is perhaps one of the most beautiful experiences of life because it’s a state of constant excitement.

Every minute you spend without your partner, your anticipation rises and when you both finally meet, I cannot put into words what that joy is like.

However, some people say that long distance relationships are a waste of time because there’s too much waiting in it.

Understandable, but like everything in life, this has two sides to it too.

Long distance relationships have both pros and cons, but with consistent effort and communication, any couple can succeed.

Let’s examine both aspects of this form of relationship.

Pros of a Long Distance Relationship

There are many-many pros of a long distance relationship.

You’ll experience more meaningful moments, higher emotional intimacy, growth in your personal life, and improved problem-solving skills.

Not just this, you also learn to keep the spark of the relationship for a much longer time.

Data indicates that couples that stay close to each other end up losing the initial spark of the relationship in about 6 to 12 months but long distance couples maintain it much longer.

These benefits are just as important as those of regular relationships, and if I had to pick, I’d pick long distance over regular any day.

Let’s discover a few pros of a long distance relationship:

More Meaningful Moments

Being in a long distance relationship can be tough because you don’t have the luxury of face-to-face time and physical closeness.

I totally understand how challenging that can be.

But here’s the thing: the distance between you and your partner can actually make your meetings even more exciting and memorable.

After patiently waiting for months, finally getting to see your partner becomes a truly special occasion.

So, when that day comes, it’s important to make the most of the limited time you have together.

Plan activities that allow you to connect on a deeper level.

Take a leisurely stroll in the park, where you can have those heartfelt and meaningful conversations you’ve been longing for.

Or maybe you could spend a romantic evening gazing at the stars.

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In these precious moments in a long distance relationship, it’s crucial to be fully present and attentive to each other.

Put away your phones and worries, and just focus on enjoying each other’s company.

Choose activities that have significance for both of you, like revisiting places that hold special memories or discovering new ones together.

Remember, even though your time together might be short, the memories you create will last a lifetime.

This is one of the top pros of a long distance relationship.

The ideal way to spend quality time with your partner is by envisioning yourself 5-10 years ahead where you’re narrating this memory to your loved ones, friends, or even future children.

This will become a story that’ll inspire others to believe in love.  

More Emotional Intimacy

In a long distance relationship, it’s true that physical intimacy can be challenging to achieve.

But you know what? Building emotional intimacy can be even more rewarding and fulfilling.

Since you can’t be physically close, you spend a lot of time talking about your feelings and experiences, which helps you understand each other’s hearts on a whole new level.

This helps you thrive later in life because you both become each other’s support systems.

In today’s quick-dating world, that’s true love. It is also one of the most important things in a relationship.

This is one of the best pros of a long distance relationship because you become an emotionally mature man.

To build that emotional intimacy in a long distance relationship, you can come up with fun activities.

For example, you can read a book together and then have deep conversations about it. 

Another idea is to discover new music together.

You can recommend songs to each other, listen to them separately, and then come together to talk about how the music makes you feel.

I did this with my girlfriend back in the day and we kept making each other custom Spotify playlists to listen to.


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By engaging in these activities and finding other ways to connect emotionally, you’re building a strong foundation of emotional intimacy in your long distance relationship.

Even though you can’t be physically together, your emotional bond becomes a source of support and strength that helps your relationship thrive.

Hyper-focused Growth

At MenVerve, we always emphasize the importance of finding a balance between your personal goals and your relationship goals, even in a long distance relationship.

In fact, being in a long distance relationship can offer a unique opportunity for both you and your partner to focus on your individual aspirations and achieve personal success.

This is one of the top pros of a long distance relationship.

Why? Because you and your queen can achieve personal success, share your journey, and build an empire.

You’ll become a power couple such as High-Value Men and High-Value Women.

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By pursuing your passions, engaging in hobbies, and striving for career success, you not only improve yourself but also bring more to the table in your relationship.

In a long distance relationship, it’s important to acknowledge that you and your partner are on separate paths, but that doesn’t mean you can’t support each other.

By cheering each other on and providing encouragement, you become each other’s biggest champions.

So, during this time apart, embrace the opportunity to pursue your individual goals and help your partner do the same.

Celebrate each other’s achievements and create a supportive environment where both of you can thrive.

Improved Problem-Solving Skills

In a long distance relationship, being able to solve problems effectively becomes incredibly important.

As Clint Eastwood wisely said, “Improvise, Adapt, Overcome,” and those words hold true for this kind of relationship.

While you may have previously worked through problems together as a team when you were physically together, being in a long distance relationship requires you to come up with solutions on your own.

It can be both challenging and empowering, as it pushes you to become more independent and self-reliant in finding ways to overcome the obstacles that arise.

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Managing time becomes a critical skill in a long distance relationship, especially when dealing with different time zones or hectic schedules.

It forces you to become a precise planner, making sure you make the most of the time you have together. Isn’t this one of the best pros of a long distance relationship?

By actively planning and dedicating specific time for each other, you improve the quality of your interactions and also reinforce the importance of your relationship.

It allows you to create meaningful moments and maintain a strong connection.

Cons of a Long Distance Relationship

While a long distance relationship can make a bond extremely strong, you might also face certain issues at times that you may not like.

These can be anywhere from misunderstandings and conflicts to less physical intimacy and lack of trust.

Let’s discover a cons of a long distance relationship:

Things Might Get Messy

In long distance relationships, it’s quite common for unresolved arguments to crop up, and if they’re not handled properly, they can grow into bigger issues.

You might think that being physically together would make it easier to address these arguments, but surprisingly, that’s not always the case.

In fact, it can sometimes exacerbate the problem and lead to even more complications.

Some women even resort to ghosting at this time.

At such times, you must remember the importance of open and honest conversations where you can express your feelings freely.

This advice is very critical for long distance relationships.

I’ve seen a ton of long distance relationships break just because the couple wasn’t even interested in a peace talk.

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Dealing with arguments in a long distance relationship requires a thoughtful and sensitive approach.

It’s essential to create a safe and non-judgmental space where both partners can openly share their thoughts, emotions, and concerns.

When addressing unresolved arguments, focus on finding a solution rather than playing the blame game.

I understand that most people immediately resort to blaming, but as a mature man, you must handle the situation with love and care instead of ego and arrogance.

This is also one of the biggest cons of a long distance relationship.

But remember that instead of getting caught up in who’s right or wrong, you should strive for mutual understanding and search for compromises.

Remember, when you’re in a long distance relationship, you have to form a two-handed circle that has just you and your partner in it.

You both create problems, you both solve it. That’s maturity 101.

Lack of Shared Experiences

In any relationship, sharing experiences is crucial for fostering a deep connection.

However, it becomes particularly challenging when you’re in a long distance relationship.

The distance between you and your partner may mean that you miss out on important moments in their life.

While she may understand the circumstances, it can still leave her feeling disappointed.

The physical separation can create a sense of disconnection, especially in the early stages of the relationship. This is one of the worst cons of a long distance relationship.

It’s completely normal to yearn for the closeness that comes with being physically present with your partner.

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The lack of face-to-face interaction can make it harder to bridge that emotional gap and can sometimes amplify the feelings of distance and longing. 

However, remember that a long distance relationship doesn’t mean complete disconnection. 

Regular communication and actively listening to their stories, accomplishments, and challenges can help you feel more involved.

And sharing your own experiences and opening up can also deepen the emotional intimacy.

Emotional Touch Isn’t Enough

In a long distance relationship, it’s understandable to experience a longing for physical closeness and intimacy.

Being physically separated in a long distance relationship can pose challenges, especially when it comes to physical intimacy.

Let’s face it; we’re all humans and we have our own physical needs.

It’s crucial to have open conversations with your partner about your physical needs to ensure that you’re both on the same page.

Avoiding these discussions can lead to feelings of sexual frustration, which, if left unaddressed, can potentially strain the relationship.

This is one of the most dangerous cons of a long distance relationship.

People even resort to cheating sometimes. If not cheating, they start flirting with strangers (P.S. Flirting can be cheating)

It’s important to appreciate the importance of trust in a relationship and how it can be affected by such issues.

Emotional intimacy, expressing affection, and communicating love can play a significant role in developing a strong bond.

This can include sending heartfelt messages, engaging in intimate conversations, or finding alternative ways to create a sense of closeness.

That being said, it’s crucial to be aware of the potential risks that can arise from unaddressed sexual frustration in a long distance relationship.

Suppressing these feelings can lead to emotional distress and we don’t want that for you.

Only One of You Cares Much

In a long distance relationship, it’s often a struggle when one partner isn’t putting in the effort to maintain the bond.

It can lead to feelings of neglect and frustration, which can really harm the relationship.

The key is for both partners to equally contribute and recognize each other’s efforts.

We’re all human beings and we all should take our own responsibility but some people lack that.

When one person isn’t pulling their weight, it creates an unfair dynamic where the other partner feels like they’re doing all the work.

This can build resentment and strain the relationship over time. It can also lead to a toxic relationship in the future.

To avoid this, both partners need to actively participate in keeping the connection alive and show appreciation for each other’s contributions.

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How to Make a Long Distance Relationship Work

Here are a few simple yet effective tips, from personal experience as well as expert research, that can strengthen your connection in a long distance relationship.

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Loneliness and Frustration

Being physically separated in a long distance relationship from your partner can lead to moments of longing and emotional strain.

It’s crucial to understand and empathize with each other’s experiences and provide support during these difficult times.

Its not just hard on you, its hard on her too and the only way to fix this is to stay connected and offer love and support.

Ask, Not Assume

It’s easy to misinterpret intentions or jump to conclusions when you’re not physically present with your partner in the long distance relationship.

To prevent misunderstandings, it’s important to follow a simple rule: “Ask, not assume.”

This means actively engaging in open communication instead of making assumptions.

For example, if she didn’t respond to your message all day, instead of assuming she doesn’t love you anymore, just ask her man.

She might be busy that day.

Expressing Expectations

It’s essential to be transparent about your expectations, needs, and concerns, and encourage your partner to do the same.

By developing a culture of open dialogue, you create an environment of trust and understanding.

This helps address potential issues before they become significant problems.

Time Flies

While it may feel challenging to endure the separation, it’s important to remind yourself that time flies and the distance is only temporary.

Embracing the journey and understanding that the distance will eventually come to an end can strengthen your resilience as a couple.

Use this time of separation of develop hobbies, build a career or try growing muscles. (P.S. She’ll love the muscles) 


Nurturing your own individuality allows you to develop a stronger sense of self and personal fulfillment.

This independence can contribute to a healthier dynamic when you are finally reunited, as both partners have had the opportunity to grow.

Independence allows you to explore your passions outside of the long distance relationship. 

Emotional Well-being

Avoid placing too much burden on your partner to fulfill all of your emotional needs. It doesn’t suit a full-grown man.

Instead, focus on practicing self-care, pursuing hobbies, and maintaining a support system that extends beyond your long distance relationship.

Taking ownership of your emotional well-being not only strengthens you but also enhances the relationship.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do Long Distance Relationships Work?

Long distance relationships have an average success rate of 58%, with only 40% ending in a breakup. This is seen among couples aged 18-34 who are often focused on building careers and relocating.

Are Long Distance Relationships Healthy?

Yes, because they enhance the connection beyond the relationship’s physical aspect by providing more opportunities to discuss personal life and learn about each other. 

Why do most Long Distance Relationships Fail?

Some of the key reasons for the failure of a long distance relationship include lack of trust, unhealthy communication, and no physical intimacy leading to infidelity, as well as misunderstandings, thereby ending the relationship.

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Final Thoughts

The key to making a long distance relationship work is prioritizing each other’s needs and staying connected as much as possible.

You have to make your partner feel valued and important, even if you’re not physically together.

That means listening to their concerns, being there for them emotionally, and showing your love and affection regularly.

Technology can be a great tool to help you stay in touch, so take advantage of video calls, instant messaging, and social media to bridge the distance and stay connected.

Patience and understanding are essential in a long distance relationship.

It’s important to recognize the challenges that distance brings and be supportive of each other.

Things might not always go according to plan, and that’s okay.

Being flexible and understanding when unexpected things come up will help you navigate any bumps in the road.

At the end of the day, making a long distance relationship work requires dedication and effort from both partners.

You both have to be committed to making it work and willing to put in the time and energy.

By staying emotionally connected, communicating effectively, and making the most of the time you do have together, you can overcome the distance and build a strong and lasting relationship.

All the Best, King!

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